Brands » Callebaut Chocolate » 6021 Truffle Shell White - 1 Inch

  • 6021 Truffle Shell White - 1 Inch

    Truffle Shells White make for a great chocolate base to create your luxury truffles and brigadeiros. Made of Callebaut's creamy white chocolate with a pronounced milky taste – have a lovely snap. They have an accommodating opening so you can easily fill them with any fluid ganache, praline or cream filling. After filling them and leaving the filling to harden, our chefs recommend dipping them in tempered chocolate before finishing them to the taste immediately after. You can roll them for instance in Chocolate Shavings White, Chocolate Blossoms White, Crispearls™ White... Anything goes! Truffle Shells leave a lot to the imagination and allow you to play with flavors, textures, colors.